A new spiritual dimension +

Never in my life have I read so many book, so fast. I've always thought that fiction books weren't something for me and that reading this kind of litteratur belonged in my past, in my youth. My adult attitude were that if I were to read a book, it would have to be something that I could have some sort of use of. Something anchored in reality, like a biography. Never did I imagine that I could learn so much from The alchemist, by Paulo Coelho. Nor from the book "The seventh day" by Stefan Einhorn. 

Life has such strange ways of taking us by surprise. It all started when I were on my way back to Linkoping 2 weeks ago. I had planned to study and repeat some medical notes on my 3 hours bus ride. But by some unknown reason my attention got attached to a Paulo Coelho book that was placed on the bookshelf on the busterminals bookstore. And suddenly my legs started to walk towards it without exactly knowing why. I knew that this would destroy my plans of studying, and I knew that this would ruin my discipline. But I couldn't help myself, as if I weren't in control of my own body at that moment of time. 

Once arrived, the sales girl asked me "May I help you?"
To which I replied "Yes, I wonder if you also have other books written by Coelho, beside this one on the shelf?"
She said "Yes, we do have the alchemist" 
I replied "Perfect, just the book I wanted". 

From that moment on I began to feel how my spiritual life started to travel in another direction. I couldn't rip my eyes away from the book. But the story doesn't end here. Once I arrived home, I had three more book waiting for me. Books in the exactly same genre sent from a kindhearted friend of mine that I got to know from medical school. These strange courses of events have left me with a question that keeps haunting me...

Is someone trying to say something to me? 


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